The Players

Our Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters

By personalizing genitalia with pet names human beings can separate sexual desire and enlightenment from emotion and embarrassment to improve communications related to the characters in nearly any social setting. For the Teachings of AnalSutra, they serve as a playful means for practitioners to establish a vocabulary around the genitalia, the five senses, intellectual awareness and how interaction contributes to sensual pleasure and stimuli.

Across the globe we find the use of pet names for genitalia is not uncommon or unusual. Culturally they can be quite creative and entertaining. The most common of pet names are established in the early days of potty training and yet abandoned within the family as children approach teenage years.

This early introduction allows humans to continue developing these playful terms, expand and uniquely individualized them beginning at puberty and well into adulthood. The names here come from my own background including early family and teenage usage, common terms between friends and those created through intimate relationships.

The Teachings of AnalSutra use pet names as proper pronouns expanding our ability to address erogenous physiology specifically and respectfully as individuals or playful characters respective of their unique charms.

Personalizing genitalia in the third person allows us to use the terms he & she along with his & her in the proper context. Notably, our pets are genderized by their native and technical defaults. Ms. Kitty and Annie (including his) are female with Mr. Wizard and other inanimate wands (projectiles) inherently male. As practitioners, engineers and technical writers, we entertain no further discussion on the facts of life.


Third person pronouns become very useful in communicating in and out of the bedroom, with and without regard to intimacy. They allow us to separate the challenges of relationships from desire without sacrificing the deeper emotional connection between partners. Open conversations involving the implied characters become more playful, comfortable and educational with clearer communication. (i.e: She wants to but I’m still pissed you picked Greenbay)

We begin by introducing the three primary characters: Mr. Wizard, Ms. Kitty and their friend Annie. Ms. Kitty and Annie bring seven additional friends that we identify and opening discuss as Cleo, Virginia and her Tulips and Rex, the Colonel and her screen doors respectively.

The following contains sexually explicit images

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